Tag: wordpress plugin
WordPress Code Editor Enhancement
WordPress code editor (WP-Admin > Appearance > Editor) does not yet have a good editor with syntax highlighting, line numbers etc. Following plugins expand WordPress Code Editor from plain code editor to more sophisticated code editor with a lot of great features. These plugins allows administrator to edit code without accessing FTP.
Create Responsive Menu with WordPress Plugin
Responsive menu is a WordPress plugin that creates a nice three-lined menu button or responsive menu when the site viewed on devices that users can click to bring a slide out menu, which is easily navigated .
Useful WordPress Plugin: Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order
Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order is a powerful plugin to re-order categories and all custom taxonomies terms using a drag and drop capability. The best thing about this plugin, we don’t need to change theme code just to re-order categories and taxonomies, the plugin will do it for us. Just drag and drop category…
Change Posts Order with Post Types Order
WordPress displays posts and pages in order of the date published and changing that order can be frustrated. Easy solution to change posts order is by using this plugin, Post Type Order.
WordPress: Add Title to IMG tag using Get The Image plugin
Get The Image plugin from Justin Tadlock is awesome, a script that can grab an image by custom field input, WordPress’ featured image, post attachment, or extracting it from the post’s content. Recently, someone asked about how to add Title to IMG tag. We know ALT attributes in IMG tag, but IMG tag also support…
WordPress: Set Featured Images Automatically in Hundreds or Thousands of Post
This plugin is saving time by generate post thumbnails from Featured Images at once. Auto Post Thumbnail