Category: WordPress
How to add Pinterest Button on WordPress Attachment file
See How to Add Pinterest “Pin It” to WordPress for introduction Codes in article above may work for Posts, but there’s a little tweak for Pinterest Pin It button on attachment.php to work
Redirect Old Domain to New Domain
How to redirect old domain to new domain through .htaccess? You should add this code in .htaccess file Method no 1 Method no 2
WordPress Backup Plugins and Services
Regular backup of your site will make you fill safer than any other above. Backup is a must if you have had put a lot of work and energy to your site. It takes a lot of time to fix your site after attack without backup. Few ways to backup WordPress sites Premium Plugins Backup…
WordPress: Shortcode in Custom Field
Normally wordpress does not run shortcode that you put into a custom field. By default, Custom Fields display whatever value you enter, as plain-text, so if you try entering a shortcode, (in the format [shortcode] VALUE [/shortcode]) you’ll end up displaying the entire text, including the tags. Add the following in your template file, it…
PHP Conditional statements to identify iPad or iPod or iPhone
This tutorial will show you how to detect iPad or iPod or iPhone using PHP Devices which request content from your website (usually) pass a user agent string. This contains information such as its name, OS, browser version, and rendering engine. Apple’s gadgets pass the following user agents, although you may find subtle variations in…
WordPress: Disable All Shortcodes from the_content
The following code snippet will remove ALL shortcodes from the_content Add the following code snippet to the functions.php of your theme You can disable shortcodes from particular page, e.g Home Page