Tag: mysql

  • WordPress Database Optimization

    WordPress Database Optimization

    WordPress is powered by PHP and depends on MySQL database; in fact, all the content, including the website settings, are stored in it. When your WordPress site is visited, the web server will query the database to retrieve all the necessary information to display. However, over time, the speed required for querying the database will…

  • Output the number of WordPress Database Queries

    The number of database queries a webpage makes to load the page have an effect on the page load time. You can use the following piece of code in the footer of your theme to find out how many database queries a page is making or WordPress query outputs and the time it takes to…

  • Change MAMP MySQL password

    Change MAMP MySQL password

    MAMP creates a local server environment on Mac OS X by installing Apache, PHP and MySQL right out of the box. The default username/password for MySQL install is root/root. That’s not safe. For security purposes, in our case we want sync between our WAMP and MAMP , it’s best to change that. Open the Mac…