Tag: css
Override CSS property right to left
This case is an example on how to override CSS property right to left We have this AdSense banner floating on the right side of the screen. What if you want to change it to the left Recently, I installed Floating AdSense plugin for WordPress. It’s very helpful to add AdSense banner floating on…
How to make IE to display iframes with transparent background?
1. Add allowTransparency=”true” property to the iframe 2. Add background:transparent to it’s body tag or internal styles in the head section of an HTML page or
How to change the bullet size and color with CSS
The following code snippet help you change the bullet size and color of your unordered lists. We are using simple CSS code to do that 1. Create your bullet list image via Adobe Photoshop or you can use another image editor to do that (e.g Pixelmator). Save the image as a transparent png image file.…