Tag: code snippet
Hide the WordPress version you are running
If you are running an old WordPress version with known vulnerabilities, it is unwise to display this information to the public. Why not simply hide the WordPress version entirely? Add the following to functions.php or
Facebook Share Button
Facebook Share is one of the most powerful and simple ways for users to share articles, pages, video, or Flash content from your site with their friends on Facebook. Over 1 billion pieces of content are shared each week on Facebook, and many of those are links shared using Facebook Share. Right now, Facebook Like…
WordPress: Automatic Feed Links
WP themes usually have the following code in header.php Remove above when you are using the following code This automatically adds the relevant feed links everywhere on the whole site. Standard feed, comments links, category and tag archives, everything as it should be.
WordPress: Click an attachment image to view next image in order
Add the following to the top of attachment.php Find your attachment image code in attachment.php
Share WordPress Posts or Pages via Email link
A simple link that open users default email client to send that WordPress Post or Page as an email to a friend or colleague. It displays an excerpt in the email body