Category: WordPress
WordPress comments links open in new window
We would like links in any comments open in new window instead of same window because we still want to read more in that page.
Workaround for Failed to Import in WordPress
WordPress always produces “failed importing” and “invalid post type” when trying to import a .xml file using the Importer plugin.
WordPress Title Empty on Index Page
Here’s description from WordPress Codex about what happen when WordPress title empty when viewing index page/ homepage If you are using a custom homepage with custom loops and stuff or a custom front-page, you will have an empty wp_title.
How to add Facebook Like Box and change language to local
Facebook Like Box allows website owners to provide their visitors with an easy way to join their facebook community and get updates right in their Facebook news feed with a click to like from their website. It is a good way to promote a Facebook Page. Facebook Like Box only works for Facebook Pages, this isn’t working for Facebook Profiles
WordPress : How to enable Excerpt for Pages
WordPress gives us the ability to manually create excerpts for your Posts by entering text into an Excerpt box just below the main editing screen on the Write/Edit page. But Excerpt is not available for Pages .There is no option to add/enable excerpts for pages through the WordPress admin panel.